Adventures of Salsa and Pavo

By Maria Sandu, Cody Jiang, Brandon Lopez, Dylan Imperato, Nick Dell’Aquilo

Pavo and Salsa find a way to communicate through an amulet. They must work together to save their island!


Overworld: WASD to move, E to talk to an NPC, LEFT CLICK to shoot an enemy robot (use mouse to aim), SPACE to activate special ability (be invincible, destroy any enemies that collide with you without taking any damage). Go through portals (located at trees) to enter platformer levels.

Platformer: A,D to move; SPACE to jump, HOLD LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to grab onto a vine, HOLD LEFT MOUSE BUTTON + S to grab onto two vines simultaneously when Salsa is between two vines and holding on to one of them. Grabbing onto two vines simultaneously will allow Salsa to jump higher.

Final Presentation:

Week 2 Slide link:

Week 3 Slide link:

Week 4 Slide


Week 5 Slide


Final Slide:


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